About the center
The main objective of the development of the telecommunications industry is an effective system for
managing telecommunications networks, ensuring reliable operation of telecommunications resources,
their centralized and efficient use, as well as creating conditions for the uninterrupted provision
of modern telecommunications services to the population, national economic facilities, and
government bodies.
At the same time, the main tasks of the Republican Center for Management of
Telecommunications Networks of Uzbekistan are:
- ensuring state regulation in the field of telecommunications, as well as the formation and
effective functioning of a telecommunications network management system
- creation of a system for coordinated management of networks of various operators to most fully
meet the needs for telecommunications services, ensuring priority use of networks in the
interests of government authorities and management.
Currently RCUSTUz provides:
- monitoring the state of the telecommunications network of JSC Uzbektelecom, its restructuring
depending on the situation in real time;
- coordination of projects for the development of telecommunications networks in Uzbekistan, in
terms of ensuring network stability and improving the quality of services;
- monitoring the elimination of consequences and restoration of the telecommunications network in
emergency situations;
- coordination of plans for repair and adjustment work and scheduled measurements on
telecommunications networks, monitors their implementation;
- centralized consideration of applications, conclusion and maintenance of contracts with
government authorities and management, for the lease of channels and paths on public
telecommunications networks;
- consideration of applications, conclusion and maintenance of agreements with legal entities for
the lease of channels and paths on operator networks on a contractual basis;
- coordination of the actions of operators when organizing television and broadcast sessions, both
within the republic and with the CIS countries and abroad.
RCUSTUz maintains a database of resources of the telecommunications network of Uzbekistan:
- via intercity and zonal transport telecommunication networks;
- on the use of alarm systems;
- according to the numbering plan of Uzbekistan, CIS countries and foreign countries.
RCUSTUz carries out prompt notifications regarding changes in the numbering of the GTS of Uzbekistan,
intercity and international codes, about the procedure for connecting to a new telecommunications
service operator, and interacts with operational and technical management systems of
telecommunications networks in other countries.
In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On additional measures to
improve the telecommunications network management system of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated
October 30, 2020 No. 680, RCUSTUz was determined by the working body of the Ministry of
Information Technology and was additionally assigned the following tasks:
coordinating work on the effective functioning and rational use of networks and resources of
operators included in the telecommunications network management system of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, ensuring, if necessary, their centralized use in the interests of the country’s
security, in emergency situations;
performing the function of a national telecommunications network management center of Uzbekistan in
interaction with telecommunications network management centers of foreign countries;
implementation of system monitoring of the quality and assessment of the condition of
telecommunications networks of operators for compliance with the standards for the quality of
services provided by a specially authorized body;
reception and consideration of applications for the allocation of numbering capacity, signaling point
codes, as well as short special numbers for information and reference services;
organization of work to automate the processes of the mechanism for identifying and obtaining data on
facts of violation of legal requirements when passing international voice traffic on
telecommunications networks of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
registration of mobile devices using international unique identification codes;
ensuring the formation, maintenance, operation and maintenance of a centralized database
transferred numbers, including collection, storage, processing, transmission of information and
contained therein;
providing services to telecommunications operators of Uzbekistan for the implementation of
operational and technical
network management, system monitoring of network status and assessment of compliance with indicators
quality of services provided and the functioning of telecommunications operator networks.
The telecommunications network of Uzbekistan is increasingly using data transmission media, including
including the Internet and other international information services. Providing telecommunications
operated by operators with various forms of ownership.
The telecommunications network of Uzbekistan includes transport trunk, intra-zonal, local
digital, fiber-optic and radio relay lines, digital electronic switching equipment.
The operator network uses digital transport and switching equipment from various companies
manufacturers. This equipment has its own characteristics and differences. It is distributed
geographically and
managed by different local operators, and therefore the digital network lacks a clear and
prompt response to events, inefficient use of network resources, absent
coordinated interaction between management and control structures, which is unacceptable for such
strategic object such as telecommunications.
In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On telecommunications”, “On the
protection of the population and
territories from natural and man-made emergencies”, in order to increase
efficiency of the management system in the field of telecommunications, ensuring reliable operation,
centralized use of resources and telecommunications networks in emergency situations,
Initially, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures for
improvement of the telecommunications network management system of the Republic of Uzbekistan"
No. PP-589 dated February 20, 2007 This Resolution approved the “Regulations on the System
management of resources and telecommunication networks of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and
"Regulations on the Republican
telecommunications network management center of Uzbekistan”, and a decision was made with the
involvement of
means for telecommunications operators to create and put into operation an automated system
management of telecommunication networks of Uzbekistan (ASUSTUz) with the connection of control
systems to it
telecommunication networks of operators (except for networks of special consumers). Implementation
ASUSTUz project provides:
- Accounting (inventory) of all equipment of transport and switched networks;
- Visual representation at the workplaces of operators of the telecommunications network or its
- Real-time display of the status of transport and switched networks, up to
separate blocks.
As a result of the automated telecommunications network management system implemented by RCUSTUz
Uzbekistan has observed an increase in quality and efficiency in resolving issues of replacements,
eliminating damage, obtaining operational quality data and, as a result, providing
quality communication services to the consumer and population of Uzbekistan.